#🧑 About me

I am passionate about technology and have been actively involved in software development for the past 4 years. My love for technology has driven me to continually explore new avenues within the field. I have not only honed my technical skills but also founded my own company, where I can leverage my expertise to create innovative solutions that make a difference. I am dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the world of software development and thrive on the challenges it presents.

#💼 My work experience

#Software development - (2022 - 2023)

Principal activities:

Developing improvements to the production system, management, creation and maintenance of the database, creation of web systems, adaptation of systems to multiple devices, design of responsive systems.

#Co-Founder and Software development - (2019 - Present)

Principal activities:

Development of web applications, PWA, mobile and desktop applications, Project Management, digitize companies, frontend area manager, creation of digital solutions and frontend instructor

#🧑‍🎓 My education

Bachillerato Técnico Vocacional en Desarrollo de Software

Start at: 2016

End at: 2018

Técnico en Ingeniería de Desabollo de Software

Start at: 2019

End at: 2020

#📱 My Social media